Lost & Found
Door Prizes
Mega HQ is where you will learn about the activities and get your questions answered.  Listen for announcements, find lost items, and turn in your activity forms.
Door prizes will be raffled off approximately every half hour, from 9:30 AM until 1:00 PM. Stop by and pick up your raffle tickes (please, only one ticket per attending geocache name).
Awards will be announced starting at 1:30 PM. 
You must be present to win!
Geo Bingo
9:00 to 11:15
Geo Bingo
Pick up your playing sheet, then get to know other cachers! Find a cacher who has completed the task in each Bingo box. Have them write / stamp their geocache name in the box. Turn in your sheet when completed; a drawing will award prizes to two persons completing their geo bingo sheets.
50/50 SWAG Donation
Tickets available 9:00 to 1:15
50/50 SWAG Donation Giveaway
Tickets will be available for a donation. Half of the collected amount will be awarded, split between multiple winners; the other half will go toward the cost of the event. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. Drawing between 1:30 and 2:00
Poker Run
Print out your Poker Run passport here and then go find 5 new S*W*A*G Poker Run geocaches to fill in your passport.  Return your completed passport here prior to 12:30 PM to draw your winning hand.  The winner will be announced during the awards ceremony.  As always, you must be present to win, so don't fold early!
If you are unable to print out the passport, we'll try to have a few on hand during Saturday's Discover Yuma event.
Creative Cache Display
This year we are providing a table for those imaginative, creative geocachers, who delight in boggling our minds with their cache containers. If you would like to display a great cache invention, please monitor it while on the table.
We are sure you’ll get lots of questions and comments. S.W.A.G. welcomes you and your creative cache.
Unless otherwise noted, event activities
begin at 9:00 AM and end at 2:00 PM
Sunday February 5 - Mega HQ