Discover Yuma Series #10
8:00 AM to 8:30 AM
(Hosted by tenbucks46)
Turn in your completed passport at this location before 4 PM on Saturday, or at the Yuma Mega Event (Merchandise area) before 2 PM on Sunday, and receive your Go Just 10 More geocoin.
Have fun exploring some interesting places around Yuma and earn a beautiful geocoin in the process.
"Go Just 10 More"  is the theme for this year's event. Mingle and laugh about your most difficult hunt for a cache with fellow geocachers from all over. You can trade geocaching hints and experiences.
This event takes place at a productive date farm. There is even a nearby snack and date shake bar. Learn a little about fellow geocachers and a lot about the Yuma area. Snacks and water will be available to start your fun day in Yuma, the salad bowl of the nation.
After this short event, pick up your passport for a day of fun, and discover some of the interesting spots in the Yuma region.  For more information and to log your "will attend" go to GCAG8F9.
Friday evening, the Discover Yuma Series geocache coordinates will be provided to all those who posted a "will attend" log. You can use these coordinates to lay out a plan of attack for the day.
What's for Dinner
5:00 PM to 5:45 PM
(Hosted by WSGA)
Washington State Geocachers Association (WSGA) invites you to a short social event in the Old Town Yuma where geocachers can gather before heading off to dinner.  Sign in to the event, get your raffle ticket, and win some free stuff.  For more information and to log your "will attend" go to GCAJ26A.
Saturday, February 3
(all times shown are Arizona time)