South West Arizona Geocachers (S*W*A*G)
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South West Arizona Geocachers (S*W*A*G) is based out of Yuma, Arizona, and was founded in 2006. Since then, the organization has grown to more than 150 active Geocaching members. Many members are "Winter Residents" from all over the U.S.A. and Canada, but others are year round residents of Yuma. S*W*A*G hosts many events each year from October to March, including meet-n-greets in local parks, CITO events to clean up the area, and breakfast meetings at various Yuma area locations. You can find out about these event on
S*W*A*G organizes the annual "Yuma Event". This event grew from 35 attendees in 2004, to become the first MEGA Event ever held in Arizona, in 2013, with over 1100 people attending.  It is now the largest geocaching event in Southwest Arizona, with visitors attending from all over the world.  The S*W*A*G members support the annual Yuma Event through fund raising, 50/50 draws, sponsorships, and donations.
The S*W*A*G group was created for Geocachers who live in Yuma, winter in Yuma, cache often in the Yuma area, or have friends or family in the area. No one knows the area around Yuma better than the members of S*W*A*G.  Get to know us.  We can help you discover those hidden gems you might otherwise overlook.  If you would like to become a member of S*W*A*G, or have any questions about our organization, click on the logo below and send us an email ...